Flyers are a marketing and advertising staple. From A6 to the big A3 folded to A4 format, can supply what you need, in the quantity you want.
We've put pricing here to reflect our most commonly requested 130gsm gloss stock but of course you can have them printed on the weight and finish that suits your needs.
In our experience stocks heavier than 200gsm for flyers requires scoring (creasing) first, and does not sit as flat when it is folded. It's important to distinguish between the Z-fold (like a concertina) and the tri-fold (a rolled-up fold) when setting up your job. It doesn't affect the cost, but it will affect how your job looks as it unfolds to the reader.
116-118 Wollongong Street Fyshwick ACT
Phone: (02) 62391688 Fax: (02) 62392992 Email: Click here